Dive into the 30-Day Short Story Challenge: Why You Should Write Short Stories + How to Do It

If you want to learn to write fiction, there are a LOT of things you need to know about. But trying to learn them all while writing a novel can be time-consuming and frustrating. Learn to write fiction the quick and easy way by focusing on the short story. The short form is the standard vehicle for teaching fiction in schools around the world, but it's time to learn the short story form on your time from the comfort of your own home. In the 30-day short story challenge, we'll read stories and we'll write stories. I've got your plan to get started (and a bunch of stories you should read right now)!

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Why You Need to Discover Your Writer's DNA (+12-Day Course!)

You want to be a writer. You want to be a real, and good writer. And so you work your butt off trying to absorb EVERYTHING you can about storytelling in order to be the best writer you can be. But there's one area of research missing in this curriculum: YOURSELF. You can be SO well-versed in storytelling techniques and practices, and that is great and necessary. But it means NOTHING if you don't apply it in a way that makes sense for you. You need to know your Real+Good Writer's DNA. And fortunately, I've got a FREE 12-Day course to help you discover yours.

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How to Become a Happy + Productive Writer (1 Simple Formula)

I used to be a Procrastiwriter; you know, a writer who wants to write, but has a lot of trouble actually getting words onto the page. I've had some real low writing slumps throughout my life. But then I got sick of them. I wanted to become a happy AND productive writer, and so I set out on a quest to discover just how to do it. And I emerged successful. Now, I've distilled my super secret, life-transforming process into a simple formula so you can become a happy + productive writer too.

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How to Write a Character-Driven Plot in 4 Steps

Literary fiction writers tend to avoid plot. We’re trained to be plot snobs, focused only on character development and description and point-of-view amongst other things. But your story can’t be plotless. Plot is tension, plot is drama, plot IS story. So we must learn to fuse plot and character seamlessly. Learn how in 4 steps to get started with your story.

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