3 Quick Ways to Fall In Love With Writing Today

When you decide to be a writer, it's because you've fallen head-over-heels in love with the written word. You love language, the order of words, the characters who just get you, the worlds that whisk you away, the plots that melt or break your heart. You're smitten. And you throw words on the page.

But then life sneaks back in and you start to write less. You get busy with things, as anyone does. You struggle to put words back on the page. You're busy. You start to neglect writing. You read less, clean more. You miss writing.

It's time to get back to your love though, my friend, and show writing how much you really care. 

We could do a major overhaul of your life and set you up for a writing life of creativity, consistency, and confidence, but we really just need a quick-fix TODAY. So, let's look at three super easy and super quick things that can help you get back to loving your writing life ASAP. 

Are you ready to love writing again? Let's go!

You love writing, but how often do you show it? Often, we just get so busy, and then you and your writing life hit a rough patch. But you can turn that around and strengthen your love simply by choosing to invest the time. You're the only one t…

1 | Write for 10 minutes

When you think of your whole writing life, you want to do a million things! You want to write lots of books, lots of essays. You've got a novel in the works and about 27 short stories. You need to send that one story out for submission deadlines. And you should probably apply to a workshop. And you've GOT to figure out how to start marketing your author platform on social media. 

And in addition to all of that, you have a life. Life is busy. Your world is filled with work, school, kids, errands, Netflix-time. Sometimes writing gets pushed to the bottom of the list. Sometimes writing gets a bit neglected. 

With a list of everything you MUST do, writing can begin to feel overwhelming. You might paralyze yourself and not write at all, because there's just SO MUCH to do. 

But not today. 

Show writing you care by taking 10 minutes today and put some words on the page. They don't have to be towards your novel or those 27 short stories. They just need to be words. Ten minutes. Totally focused. Any words at all. Uninterrupted quality time. And you CAN find 10 minutes.

In fact, do it right now. Before you even finish this post. We'll still be here when you get back, and you'll feel a MILLION times closer to your writing.

2 | Read a book

Writing and reading are BFFs, and they work well together. To have a strong writing life, you've got to have a strong reading life. (A well-fed writer is a well-read writer!). So take a bit of time today and get lost in a good book. 

You may choose to take writing out on a date to the bookstore. New books, fellow writers in print, a cup of coffee, and a whole afternoon. Need I say more?

Or, you may choose to cuddle up in bed with your book with some snuggly socks, a glass of wine, and a cat. This is always a lovely thing. 

Choose whatever method you want, just make sure you take the time and actually do it. The rest of your life is a whirlwind of things to get done and places to go and people to talk to. Slow down and snuggle up with a book. Cuddles are good in every relationship. 

3 | Commit to your writing no matter what

You and writing are NOT just a fling. This is a marriage, and you're in it for the long-haul.

But have you proposed to writing? Have you declared your love loud and proud? Have you made the conscious decision to commit to writing forever? 

It's wedding day, my friend. 

Spend some time thinking about your relationship with writing and if this is really something you want to commit to for the rest of your life. Be alone with your thoughts and think things through. What do you want from writing? Are you ready to commit?

Once you are, make a conscious choice to be better. Choose to pay attention to writing, to invest the time, to stick through the hard stuff and celebrate the fun times. Choose to make plans for your writing life and see them through. Choose to go on adventures with each other (to new places in your stories, and new locations to write them in, and conferences, workshops, and events to deepen your relationship further). Choose to give writing the attention it deserves.

Get yourself certain that writing is for you and commit. 

These three things aren't new ideas you've never heard before. But they are tested and true ideas that work. Often, we just get so busy that we never put them into practice, and then you and your writing life hit a rough patch. 

But you can turn that around and strengthen your love simply by choosing to invest the time. You're the only one that can strengthen your relationship with writing. It starts by taking small, consistent actions each day. 

Go love your writing life, my friend. Get started right now. 

Happy Writing!

How do you fall back in love with writing when things get tough? How do you "go on a date" with writing? How do you show writing your commitment to it?